Replace Your Lawn With Kurapia & Get Paid
Do you have a Turf Replacement Program in your area?
You could be get around $5 dollars per square foot of grass lawns replaced with water efficient landscaping. Did you know that Kurapia is an approved replacement? We are the inventors and sole grower of Kurapia, drought tolerant ground cover. Kurapia has been scientifically tested at University of California to be drought tolerant, proven to require very low water use, 20-30% ETo, (Evaporation + Transpiration).
You can install Kurapia, our amazing drought tolerant ground cover that will replace all of your lawns easily. Not only will you get a fantastic rebate, but you will save money on water use and maintenance.. but still have a lush, green, barefoot ready lawn for you to enjoy.
So how does Kurapia work with turf replacement programs?
First, you need to get approval from your county and city program. They require you submit photographs showing your current grass lawns, and you’ll need to submit a plan to show how you’re going to change your landscape. They also ask that you replace your irrigation with water efficient irrigation systems, as usually as well as a storm water retention feature.
For mentioning Kurapia, be sure you specify in the installation that you’ll be installing Phyla nodiflora “Kurapia New White” or “Kurapia Pink” in the plant list. Be sure to include spacing of 12” to 15” from each other for placement, as this will get the best possible coverage. It’s really important to also use approved rotary irrigation heads to get approval. We suggest the Hunter MP Rotors as they work great with the water needs for Kurapia and are widely approved as a water saving irrigation head. We don’t suggest drip irrigation unless you are able to completely saturate the soil surface with them.
Also when thinking about your storm water retention feature, consider having a bioswale, as Kurapia works great for that. Be sure to note that you must have your plans approves by your city and county programs to get the funding your project. If your water provider does not currently approve Kurapia, have them contact us and we will help.
Replacing your lawn with Kurapia is more than just a great way to earn some money, you’ll also get do all the things you enjoyed with your lawn with Kurapia, while spending much less water, maintenance, and money!
Order Kurapia at www.kurapia.com/calculator
Learn the technical info at www.kurapia.com/support
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