2024 Kurapia Photo Contest Winners
Hello To Our Amazing Customers!
First and foremost, we want to express our absolute regret for the delay in reporting the photo contest results. In the Fall of last year we moved our research and development facility to a larger building so we can run more tests and develop new and exciting strains. We will report those details soon, but for now, onto the Photo Contest Results!
Last year we received the largest number of entries in our company’s history, with 114 amazing customer photos! We were absolutely blown away. Customers captured amazing photographs of Kurapia at their beautiful homes, buildings and centers. These images really have shown us how the pride our customers have in their Kurapia installations and what our amazing plants can do!
Here are just some of the submissions we received in 2024.
This was a very difficult contest. It took a lot of deliberation and discussion, and we apologize for the wait. We want to thank everyone who submitted photos. Winners may contact us at info@kurapia.com to collect their winnings. Great Job!
Our Winners
Founders Award – Dani Treshchin – $150
What We Like:
Our founder says “Good photo showing difference in shade and sun in the same photo”. We absolutely agree. This photo really shows how Kurapia stays green and grows consistently even in difficult spots with different light throughout the day. The placement of the Japanese Maple and the unique driveway really fit nicely with the flowing placement of the Kurapia to tie it all together. Well Done Dani!
Senior Manager Award – Fany Toshkov – $150
What We Like:
Our Head of US Operations said “I can’t resist a cute pet with a great photo of Kurapia!”. There’s been a few great dog photos this year, but Fany has been faithfully entering every year, and the really unique placement of flagstone that the Kurapia has filled in around shows a really fantastic overall look. Using Kurapia to make the yard look like a cottage meadow is really beautiful. Great job Fany!
First Place – Hugo Bass – $300
What We Like:
What we like about Hugo’s photo is it shows how a lush Kurapia lawn can completely transform an outdoor space. The filling in of the Kurapia throughout the space really shows a dramatic change from the original soil to a soft and well lush lawn. The child really shows us how fun it is to walk around on an establish lawn of Kurapia White.
Second Place – Christine Marie – $200
What We Like:
What is it about cute cats and Kurapia Pink? It’s a pairing we can’t get enough of. We like how Christine how shows how fast Kurapia moves into the soil and locks in around the bender board, block wall and concrete. The blossoms and the soft flowing Kurapia makes the whole landscape look cozy and inviting. Well done!
Third Place – Kathy Kirk – $100
What We Like:
We’ve been enjoying Kathy’s photos for awhile now and these photos really caught our attention. While blooming Kurapia can always be showy, there’s something really comforting when in cold weather you have a nice lush carpet of green walkable Kurapia. The tightly manicured lawn and the nice flowing shape of the perimeter shrubs and her tree show careful planning & smart plant selection. This yard must be wonderful for entertaining!
Honorable Mentions
Ronald Askelan
There’s something really dramatic about this installation. Ronald planted originally around his deciduous tree and decided to plant it on his entire front yard, and what a showy look it is. The tight corners showing some careful landscaping, but letting the areas beyond the border grow a bit taller and bloom shows some amazing landscaping technique we home many landscapers take note of!
Jennifer Perry
Speaking of cute dog, this photo is amazing and needs to seen and celebrated. What a cute dog and what a dramatic photo of such an intense flowering show of Kurapia White. Amazing job Jennifer.
Sarah Hill
This photo reminds of the gorgeous gardens of the hills of San Francisco, where a showcase of blossoms and lush landscape is offset but simply benches. This bench might be the most wonderful bench to sit and relax. Gorgeous photo Sarah.
Pat McNamara
Like many of our amazing customers, we’ve enjoyed so many dog photos, and that doggo enjoying the blooming full sun Kurapia White really made us smile. We also love h ow Pat really keeps the Kurapia low between flowering then back off to let it bloom.
A dog sleeping on a field of beautiful Kurapia Pink. Dog looks he’s had a good day and is enjoying his nap. That Kurapia Pink looks like it’s been well loved and we appreciate it. Nicely done!
Thank You All So Very Much. We had So Many Photos it was really very hard to pick the best. We wish we could award more… but there’s always this year! So if you haven’t won yet, please submit again. Details coming soon.
Kurapia Team
Thank you for visiting Kurapia.com, the ultimate drought tolerant groundcover and lawn alternative.